

domenica 16 ottobre 2011

What's happening?

What was initially planned as a peaceful "Occupy Rome" protest turned into a violent demonstration in the Italian capital. 
Police reportedly used tear gas and water cannons to disperse crowds of angry Italians. Protesters wearing masks and helmets threw rocks, bottles and other objects at police in riot gear. Some wielded clubs, while others were armed with hammers. The demonstration against the government's economic policy, with a crowd estimated at 200,000, descended into violent chaos when groups of angry protesters set cars on fire, smashed windows and attacked shops. Protesters also attacked the Defense Ministry and set a wing of the building on fire. At least one person was injured and taken to a hospital, the Al Jazeera television network reported. The protests in the Italian capital were modeled on the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstration against capitalism and austerity measures, which went global Saturday with dozens of marches and protests worldwide. The website for the international movement said 951 cities in 87 countries were ready to "Unite for Global Change" -- the official slogan of the rally. Sizable protests were held in Spain, the UK and New York.

Now watch the video and tell me your opinion about it.

21 commenti:

  1. These things shouldn't happen but is the only way to change ideas' government!

  2. I think that the Italian government is really arrived at the edge of the shame and Italian people are fed up of this situation. I expected this reaction, sooner or later, people will rebel and I think that is right to protest even if the ways that people are using to rebell are very drastic. But until there are changes, people will continue to protest!

  3. I noticed that in the comments of the video all the people say that the fault is of the "Casa Pound" movement (extreme-right)... I think that this is only a way to take advantage on a pacific protest to make money ransacking bank and practicing guerrilla tactics...

  4. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  5. Who wrote this article said that police reportedly had used tear gas and water cannons to disperse crowds of angry ITALIANS. This is a classic example of bad information. The protest turned into a violent demostration thanks to a big group of idiot people called Black Block. This group have a big number of "fans" from all Europoe on the internet and they plan their moves on the web to create disorder in events across the continent gather in large masses. This group was born in Germany at the end of 80s and has spread throughout Europe and has many British, German and Spanish members. So generalize the concept with Italian is incorrect because the event was attended by people from the countries definitely upwards which is mentioned up!

  6. It's very awful observe that a violent minority could obscure all the people which protested peacefully.

  7. These are just criminals! They should go to jail for years but, from my point of view, with the italian politics this people (if we can call them in this way) will be free soon. It's not fair! however I agree with Simone P.

  8. Rome is one of the most beautiful cities in the world but not on Saturday: Buildings destroyed, Cars on fire, innocent people injured... It'a a shame! I saw that there were more angry violent and idiot teenagers than paeceful italians so each of them has given his contribute! It's worth protesting for what we are expecting from the italian government but not in this way..

  9. I agree with Simone, I think it isn't fair that because of few, many, in this case people demonstrating peacefully, must be put into the background, and indeed are ''eclipsed''.
    It's a shame pass through the one country that can't adjust, and make a manifestation in a senseless act of violence..

  10. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  11. I fully agree with Alina, it's so sad to see that last Saturday people destroyed and set cars and buildings on fire just because they have to protest! I think it's right to protest to make better our country... But with violence we only obtained a big mess and now Italians are all considered violents. In this way the governement won't change and people only made the situation worse. On Saturday We wasted a great opportunity to ask for a real change in the way of governing our country.

  12. there aren't any reasons that justify what they did! it's right to fight for our due, but we must do it peacefully, and not burning cars or taking person to the hospital. The Government must do something to help the Italians without thinking only about their money,for example doing laws for the people.

  13. In my opinion we mustn’t use the violence to do something, especially in public places. In fact when these things happen the consequences are always negative.

  14. I am a convinced pacifist so I think it is a good thing talk about problems before taking the hard way, but what has happened in Rome is something wrong; I don't say that protest about something that you think is right, is wrong, but arrive at this is too dangerous for you and the other people. "From violence born other violence".

  15. Oh my god! It is absurd that an event like this, it becomes a rivolt. People are crazy! D:

  16. I think it is our right to demonstrate peacefully but to destroy a city as Rome is crazy

  17. I think that it is right to protest, but not with violence. These of Rome were just criminals who wanted to have fun burning cars and destroying shops

  18. I fully agree with the protest but I'm disappointed with the violence used by Black Blocs...

  19. this fact show to others europe nation that italians aren't careful about young people's revolution and I don't represent in them

  20. I think that protest is fine but the limits of legality

  21. Who did this damages in Rome are not indignados. They were black blocks. Someone tells that they were made by someone to make the people think it was a violent protest, probably a politician, someone else tells that they were fans of Rome and Lazio that wanted to se the derby because Alemanno told that because of the protest that match could be postponed.
