

sabato 29 ottobre 2011


For the past months, a series of violent storms have been pounding the US. The
extreme weather conditions have claimed hundreds of victims. On Friday, the death toll had reached 280. Last week alone, more than three hundred tornadoes were reported. On Wednesday, 128 people were killed, just in Alabama. Entire areas in the town of Tuscaloosa have been levelled to the ground.

"It just didn't seem real", said one eyewitness. "I can't describe what I saw," said another. "You could hear it. That classic rumble, the train, and all of those other things
that you hear people talk about."
Heavy rains have aggravated the situation. Rivers have flooded, lightning has set buildings on fire, and hailstones the size of golf balls have caused extensive damage.
A state of emergency has been declared in Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Oklahoma. The army has been called in for rescue operations. 

Watch the video
This video is from the EF4 tornado that went through Tuscaloosa, AL on 4/27/11. It was taken from the University Mall parking lot. Probably the closest video to the storm your going to see.

Now write a test on what happened in Liguria last week in no more than 80/100 words.
You can insert images if you want.  

18 commenti:

  1. Severe flooding has devastated parts of northern Italy.There are missing and dead people. Buildings and roads have been damaged and a huge clean-up operation is underway.The worst affected areas are the northern provinces of Tuscany and Liguria.The situation that happened in Genoa is a tragedy!Despite the authorities know that the weather situation was danger, schools have not been closed and the victim list includes children and parents. Citizens protesting against the council because all this could be avoided. In the 70s happened the same disaster and a plan to safe the danger city areas was developed but that project still remains incomplete and nobody know who is the responsable for this. Police have issued an arrest warrant against unknown persons accused of murder and has initiated investigations.

  2. On the last week of October, a big flood happened in Liguria, and in particular in Genoa. A lot of water, with mud and rubbish came from the rivers due to the fact that in this period there were a lot of rain. The flood caused some problems to the citizens: cars and motorcycles are all attached each other from the terrible impact with the water. In many photos of the place we can see how the level water was raised to half person. This event happened also in other region of Italy, that bought with itself many deaths.

  3. In these days havy rain has hit the italian country, expecially one city, Genoa, that is under a torrential rain that produced violent floods.Genoa was completely destroyed,by it,in 20 minutes;the damages are incalculable: every family has lost his car,his house and in some cases a relative, a friend, a son...
    6 are the founded victim, but are still digging on the mud.The situation is drammatic, also because other floods are provided in the next days. The rescues are just working hard but we should try to do something to help them too.

  4. These days all over Italy and precisely in Liguria, in Genoa, it's raining continually for days. This is a disaster for enviroment and people in fact on Friday six people were killed in Genoa by floods. Many people lost their job, their shop and their house.
    There are also a lot of damage to the environment, such as the rivers are overflowing, the streets are flooded.
    I've a friend who lives in Savona and she told me that thay can 't leave the house because the roads are flooded. Firefighters have brought food and necessary things to each family.
    The damage caused by this storm will mark Liguria for many years.

  5. these are the words that the people affected by the flooting,that hit the north region of Italy in these week,said. The amount of the victims is growing every day: since the beginning of the flood over 5 people have died and a lot of them are still missing. The view on the streets is terrible: the cars,the motorbikes,the shops,the houses,is all destroyed.The rescues are doing all the possible to help all the people who need,and we hope that all goes in the right way,without other victims.

  6. I think that flood in Liguria is a very important event for the Italy like the world! I'm very sad for this moment, so much people in bad conditions it's awful see these people in difficulty and can do nothing. Sometimes on television, in a lot of broadcast, we hear request for money to help the north of Italy that is inondeted by the tornado, but I think that there are other ways to help countries, for exemple send there recovery. This is an emergency, and the thing that is very tragic is the fact that this disaster is causing million euros of damages, that people will never have back. I promise I will do all I can to change this situation and help these people involved in this tragedy.

  7. In my opinion this fact penalizes further the crisis because the flood destroyed all the house and the objects of the people. So we have to help them because if we don't do it we will not have a good future. But the blame of what happened is of the constructors because it's impossible to build near a river and hope that everything will be fine. At the end I think that this is a disaster and we can't ignore it.-

  8. During the last few days the north-west of Italy was devasteted by violent and heavy rains. Rivers flooded and towns like Genova and the nearest areas were completely submerged. It was a disaster, there were also victims! It's terrible because pheraps all that happened could had been avoided. People is angry because the schools weren't closed and so a lot of children were in danger. A lot of people losts their houses, their cars, and also some members of their family. Now the answer is: is it right that someone takes responsibility about what happened or instead nobody could avoid the disaster?
    In my opinion the mayors of the towns had to alert better the citizens, so there wouldn't have been victims but nobody could avoid that towns were submerged

  9. At this very hard time my thoughts are with peolple who live in Liguria!
    It was a disaster, for three days it rained non-stop so rivers and canals flood and cities like Genova had damaged for millions of euros.
    Peolple lost everything and seven people lost their lives, it's a tragedy!
    The Italian authorities fixed safety warnings but the question is: Have authorities done enough? I don't think so! Too much faults!
    First of all Why were schools opened? A mother with her two children died because she had to take her daughters from school... It's a shame!

  10. I think that this disaster shouldn't happen in this time of difficulty of the country.there is much discussion about the fact of who is the blame for what happenned and if this tragedy could have been prevented.I think that these natural events can't be predicted,but surely there was incomprenscion between the people and civil protection.infact many people didn't known that alert 2 was the maximum.

  11. I can't think about the disaster happened in Liguria. Genova was flooded because of the rains. Material damages are unimaginable and some deads were found but there are still many lost. I hope they are still alive. Some volunteers are trying to find them with the same hope. they are searching the missing people under tons of mud and rubbles. The funeral of the deads was postponed because of the continuous rains. All the world is desperate for this tragedy and everyone hopes that the problem of the floods will finally stop.

  12. From the end of October, some floods are happening in Liguria as a lot ofrain is falling on Italy. Especially in that zone the rivers flooded causing a lot of damages to property and people in fact some people died and a lot of cars and buildings were destroyed. Relief and volunteers are still helping the affected peolple and we can also do it by an sms or a donation. I'm really sorry, I hope that the mayors will solve as much as possible this terrible facts and I also hope that this things won't happen again.

  13. During the end of October lots of heavy rain hit the Northern Italy, especially Liguria, where it caused floods, particulary violent in the town of Genova.
    The flood arrived at the end of the morning, so a lot of children and parents were involved, because they were out going from school to their homes.
    There was a lot of damage and several people died for drowning in the powerful stream of water and mud.
    In my opinion events as such cannot be previded and we shouldn't complainb that much, becaus metherology isn't an exact science.

  14. Almost two weeks ago a incredible bad weather hit Italy with floods . There were six victim : one in Campania and five in Liguria . The city particulary hit was Genoa , In Liguria . Water covered all the shops and vehicles ,creating a river of floods which destroyed all that was before it . The causes of these facts are : the bad weather and the unauthorizating building in unprotected areas ( according to ex-Prime Minister, and the mayor of Genoa) . Still Today team rescue are working to tidy up the city from debris and to search lost people . Fortunately many guys spend their time to help the team rescue , and this can help the situation.

  15. Two weeks ago the northern Italy was hit by heavy rain and several floods and mudslides devasted Liguria and Tuscany. There are dispersed and, unfortunately, victims. But now I have a question: could it be avoided? I mean, this is not the first time Italy is struck by this kind of disaster and, even though there is a security plan that says where to build houses and how to build them and says how to avoid situations like this or at least how to solve them quickly, every time is the same old story: destroyed houses, isolated towns, meny people turned in homeless, DEAD AND DISPERSED PEOPLE!!! To not send rescues because of the lack of money CANNOT BE ACCEPTED!!!

  16. Two weeks ago a storm has hit the Liguria, carrying away cars,pieces of houses and lives... the deaths are six, dozens of wounded and many lost.
    The streets are flooded and the water exceeds the height of the cars with a terrible rapidity.
    The rain continues for several days, making impossible the funerals of the dead end the start of rescue operations.
    It was a really disaster, the fear and the fear of losing someone dear was established in people's hearts... but the thing that makes people more angry is not having been able to avoid what would have happened, not the destruction of property, but at least the safety of people who have died.

  17. In these days the north of Italy was hit by strong floods.The hittest city was Genoa and the city website advised people not to leave their homes but unfortunately six people,including two children, died on Friday. (TO BE CONTINUED)

  18. Recently I watched television news about the flood in Liguria. It must be terrible to be submerged by a lot of water in few minutes and to lose everything such as houses, cars.. In fact the rivers overflowed and the roads were blocked. Once my grandmother told me that she had lived a situation like this and it was very hard.. I'm so sorry for people who live there and I hope that their lives will soon come back to normality.
