

sabato 31 marzo 2012

April fool's day

Practical Jokes, Pranks, and Buffoonery in Italy on April 1st

In Italy, as in much of the world, April 1st is traditionally a day of practical jokes, pranks, and silliness. The origin of this custom is ancient and ambiguous, but one thing is certain: much buffoonery and hilarity will take place.

lunedì 26 marzo 2012


Last week in the US, a woman reported to police that she had had her car stolen. In
the report that she gave the police, she mentioned that there was a car phone inside
the car.

venerdì 23 marzo 2012

Students' interviews

About London
What’s living in London like?
Great, cool, expensive. They like it but too many people.

What do you think is worth visiting in London?
Parks (Hyde Park, St. James Park), entertainment (theatres, cinema).