

lunedì 2 aprile 2012


Studies are still going forward, but a few good recommendations have already emerged:

* Whenever possible, use your iPad or tablet at a table or desk, rather than holding it on your knees (the most strained and stressful position, posture-wise).

* Change your position often. Moving about while using the device (rather than sticking in one orientation) avoids tension and strain.

* Take frequent, short breaks.

* Rather than straining hands, wrists and arms, trying to hold your tablet at just the right tilt, take the plunge and get yourself a case that will hold it for you. A good one will prop the computer at an angle of 70 degrees or so.

* Give your eyes, neck, shoulders and back a break by viewing written materials at a large, easy-to-read type size. You’d be amazed at what a difference this can make in terms of maintaining a happy posture while using the tablet.

Oh – one more useful tidbit: if you choose to use a mouse, the mouse you choose can make a big difference in terms of comfort and health.

16 commenti:

  1. I think that this could be usefull even if i haven't any iPad/iPhone.
    Anyway everything can be dangerous if we use it in a scorrect posture.

  2. These reccomendations can be very useful, ovviasly, if you'll do these excercise constantly and in the correct way.

  3. I think that these recommendations are really helpful...but i think that the better thing to do is simply reduce the time spent on using technology.

  4. I completely agree:)I don't use tablets or iphones but I know that my posture sometimes isn't good, so I will try to follow this advices!

  5. Having a good posture is very important for healty. A bad position can cause serious damages to the body. So I think that these suggestions are very useful to improve our life with the use of technologies like smartphones and tablets.

  6. I think that these advices are very helpful to use new technologies without the risk of damages...
    They are simple recommendations that everyone can follow to take care of themselves.. However I think we have to use iPads, tablets and things like that without exaggerations.

  7. These reccomendations are very useful, even if you don't spent too much time on Pc, for example when you study or doing a desk-work, but I think also that using a mouse can be dangerous because, if you have your wist bent for a long time you will have pain to the carpal tunnel.

  8. I think that this recomandations are very usefull,and I think I'll start doing these exercises

  9. I think that everythings can be dangerous if you do it without a good posture

  10. healty is so important,so we have to do as much as possible,following this advices to reduce some problems that using mobile or tablets can produce.So,I agree with the advices and I will try to follow these.

  11. I spend more than 6 hours every day at the computer but still today I feel good , my posture , according my doctor , is quite good , so I think that these exercises help people who use cell phone more , however is helpful for everyone .

  12. Like with everything, moderation is the key, and we can only blame our lack of self-control if we get more disadvantages than advantages from the rise of new devices. We should start to "listen" to our body and understand if something is bad for us rather than just being overwhelmed by it, and posture isn't an exception.

  13. People who stay hours in front of new technologies have to do stretching exercises to avoid injures. Spending hours in a bad posture cause a lot of problems with the spending of time and stretching can beat the muscle pain. So these advices are useful and I will try to follow them. :)

  14. I think the recommendations that the 'article give on posture are very important and very helpful, and certainly if they were followed in the future it will avoid unpleasant situations. But, however, I think that should not be abused in tablet and smatphone even for cases of work.

  15. I know that my posture sometimes isn't good but everything can be dangerous if we use it in a scorrect posture.

  16. Nowadays the use of iPads and tablets is quite common.
    These modern devices are useful, but quite often they are used for too much time and, what is worst, maintaining a bad posture.
    On one hand their small dimensions and weight are positive characteristics, facilitating their transport; on the other hand people are induced to use them everywhere and, most of all, not using a proper support.
    As a consequence, bad postures are assumed causing strains to hands, wrists, arms, necks and backs.
    It is possible to easily avoid damages to the concerned part of the body by assuming a good posture and taking frequent breaks in the use of tablets.
    Finally, perhaps the best advice is to spend less time using these devices.
